The best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy is by sticking to a high standard of oral hygiene.
Our dental hygienists will professionally maintain your teeth to ensure that you continue to have healthy teeth and gums. They will work with you to make sure you are performing proper daily oral hygiene at home, and give you the knowledge and tools necessary to do so.
Our Hygienists will recommend the best practices and schedules that are tailored to your specific needs and goals for a healthy, happy smile.
Our Dentists are happy to speak with you.
We want you to feel comfortable about achieving a healthy and beautiful smile.
We recommend having your teeth professionally cleaned every six months. This not only keeps plaque from calcifying on your teeth; it lets us monitor your overall oral health. By coming in for a check-up and hygiene treatment on a regular basis, we can not only prevent potential problems… we may be able to catch them before they become too serious.
Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) is very common and can become very serious… affecting gum tissue and bone health, and potentially even resulting in heart problems or strokes. Regular professional cleanings (as well as a solid home oral hygiene routine) can help stop this disease before it ever starts.
Typically, we’ll start by scraping the tartar from around the gum line. After rinsing the tartar away, we’ll polish and floss your teeth. This leaves a smoother surface behind, making it more difficult for plaque to accumulate. We may also administer a fluoride treatment, making your teeth more resistant to acidic foods and drinks.
Here are some of the things you should be doing on a daily basis in between your professional cleanings.